22 February, 2025

Best Ways To Increase Social Security Benefits

Social security benefits can make your retirement comfortable and help you in spending an enjoyable life. In 2019, around 64 million Americans are expected to receive social security benefits, or, above all, over $ 1 billion in retirement benefits. Almost 64 million beneficiaries receive a fixed payment every month.

As a direct result of this payment, around 22.1 million people are lifted out of poverty. If there were no social security, the poverty rate for older people would be more than four times higher than today.

Gallup’s national survey also shows that, in general, 90% of current retirees depend on social security as their main source of income, and 83% of non-retirees expecting to be dependent on social security benefits after retirement.

What is Maximum Social Security Benefit?

Before you go through the strategies to maximize your benefits, you need to know the maximum limit. In 2019, the maximum social security benefit is $ 2,861 per month. In 2020, the maximum benefit is $ 3,011. There is no way to earn more than this amount, but many factors can make you earn less. We analyze each of these factors and discuss how you can maximize the benefits.

How To Increase Social Security Benefits After Retirement:

You can take measures to increase the amount of social security you receive. Here are 13 ways to increase your social security benefits.

You Need To Work for at Least 35 Years:

The federal government calculates the amount of your final benefit based on your lifetime income by averaging your salary over the 35 years in which you have benefited the most. As wages change over time, the Social Security Administration (SSA) refers to the index series of average wages, which for its formula, is a calculation of wage inflation from year to year.

Also, you need to take into consideration that the SSA contains zeros in the equation for each year below the 35-year mark. Although you only have to work a decade to qualify for benefits. It is important that you spend at least 35 years to avoid reducing your average.

It is also a good idea to check with your company’s human resources department if you think there is a problem with maintaining social security. In this way, you can be sure that your years of work really pay the system properly.

Do Nothing if You are Entitled To Pay:

If you are 62 years old and are entitled to receive your social security benefits, do nothing. Although your career, income, and year of birth play an important role in determining your monthly salary. The monthly salary may depend primarily on when you are paid.

Start calculating your retirement pension. From the age of 62, your monthly benefit increases by approx. 8% for each year in which you are waiting for your payment until you are 70. In otherwise the same circumstances, a pensioner who is 70 years old may receive up to 76% more per month than the same person who is 62 years old.

You have to remember that while your advantage may be a statistically intelligent decision, it is not the best option for everyone. You should check your health, financial and marital status to determine the best age for you.

Go All The Way and Work Up to 70 Years:

Your achievements at 62, 66, or 67 are not your maximum achievements. The longer it takes to activate your social security, the better your performance. The maximum old-age pension begins at 70 years. Each year after full retirement, your payment increases by a certain percentage based on certain criteria.

To maximize this strategy, you should wait until the age of 70. Payments will be as high as possible and increase by 8% annually. After this age, however, there is no further increase. So it’s best to invoice as soon as your birthday arrives.

Of course, working until the age of 70 is not for everyone. It is, therefore, wrong to ask before the age of 70 whether you want to stop working earlier and take advantage of it. It is also not certain that waiting until the age of 70 will maximize the benefits of your life. Life has no guarantee. So think about your life expectancy when you make this decision.

Use a Roth IRA to Avoid Federal Taxes:

Another smart step towards increasing your social security benefits that require little effort is to open and contribute to a Roth IRA. A Roth IRA is a fully staffed pension plan that allows people to donate up to $ 6,000 in 2019 or $ 7,000 if they are 50 years or older.

By “the main fee” we mean that there are no tax advantages in advance. On the contrary, any capital gain on a Roth IRA account can be withdrawn during your retirement year without any tax implications.

A Roth IRA can be particularly useful for those who may face a tax on their social security benefits and yes.  Their social security benefits may be subject to federal and state taxes. If a person’s modified gross cleaning income (MAGI) plus half of the benefits exceeds $ 25,000 (or $ 32,000 for a married couple filing a joint tax return), they must tax part of their benefits.

However, eligible withdrawals from Roth IRAs are not considered income. This means that you can keep people below the $ 25,000 or $ 32,000 threshold when federal income tax comes into play, which means more money stays in your pocket.

Consider Your Spouse:

Some low-income spouses may receive more than one spouse’s benefit than their own old-age pension. Spouse benefits can account for up to 50% of what the older worker receives when they retire. The amount is reduced if one of the spouses receives benefits in advance.

In general, the spouse with the higher income must receive an old-age pension so that the other couple can receive a spouse’s pension. In the past, those who made more money could deposit and expose it to increase their own benefits, but this is no longer an option.

When you submit the application, social security compares your spouse’s benefit against your own retirement benefit and grants you the higher of the two. You cannot switch from a spouse’s benefit to your own benefit later, even if your benefit is greater.

People born before January 2, 1954, have the option to make a “restricted application” only for spouse benefits and later switch to their own benefits.

Couples also need to think about survivor benefits when making social security decisions. When a spouse dies, the survivor receives only one check, the larger of the two checks the couple received. The decline in check income can be significant.

Couples can help mitigate the damage by ensuring that the remaining control is as large as possible. As a rule, this presupposes that the person with the highest income postpones the start of social security, preferably at least until retirement age.

Matching benefits with a spouse can be difficult. Consider using a social security calculator to explore your options. A free version is available on the AARP website. On the Maximize My Social Security website, you can pay $ 40 for a more sophisticated version.

Check Your Income History With SSA:

The sixth way to increase your social security payment is to check your SSA income history. Although it is very effective and returns 99% of every dollar collected to eligible recipients, the agency is not error-free.

Each year, workers should take a minute or two to compare their earnings on their W-2 forms and their tax returns with those of the SSA in their system. If they match, it will be much better. Otherwise, they could face a major problem that could result in lower than expected payouts upon retirement.

If you find an error, you should report it to the nearest social security office. Some corrections can be made over the phone, others require you to contact your local office. In either case, it is always easier to correct a winning mistake before you receive benefits than after.

Use Partial Retirement Credits:

If you want to increase your retirement income by 25% or more, wait until you receive benefits up to the age of 70 and you will receive a delayed retirement credit. These credits apply because your benefits no longer have any limits once you reach retirement age.

The FRA is determined by your date of birth. It validates for 67 years old for people born in 1960 or later and a little younger for people born before 1960. Every year in which the FRA receives late benefits, its benefits increase from 5% to 8% per year. It is of no advantage to waiting more than 70 years for the submission, as these increases do not continue beyond this point.

Examine The Benefits of a Divorced Spouse:

If you are not currently married but have had a previous marriage for at least 10 years, you may entitle to spousal benefits, depending on your ex’s work experience. The amount can be up to 50% of the full retirement employee’s benefit. However, if you marry again, the divorced spouse’s benefits cease. You must be at least 62 years old to receive marital benefits.

If your ex has passed away and the marriage lasted at least 10 years, you may be entitled to survivor benefits of up to 100% of your ex’s benefits. You can remarry from the age of 60 (or from the age of 50 if You have a disability) while still receiving benefits from divorced dependents.

Benefits for survivors and divorced survivors can start at age 60 or 50 if the survivor is disabled, or at any age. If they care for the child of their former child under 16 or disabled (and in this case 10 Years, the requirement of marriage is exempt). Individuals who receive survivor benefits can later access their own benefits when they are older, and vice versa.

Please take note: Your ex must be at least 62 years old to receive benefits from a divorced spouse, but you do not need to receive benefits of your own. This differs from regular spouse benefits, where the main employee generally has to make an application before the spouse can receive anything.

Survivor benefits are based on what your ex received or would have received at retirement age. If your ex has delayed the first benefits after reaching retirement age, the survivor’s benefit increases with these late retirement credits. However, if you receive benefits before your own retirement age, the amount you receive will be reduced.

Add Your Youngest Child:

If you receive a retirement or disability pension from the social security system. Your offspring may also entitle to a check. A single unmarried child can receive up to 50% of the primary employee’s retirement or disability pension.

This child benefit usually ends at the age of 18. But can continue until the age of 19 if the child is still in high school. Benefits per child are also available to people over the age of 18 if they are disabled and the disability began before the age of 22.

There is a “family maximum” policy that limits the amount a family can receive as benefits based on an employee’s income. The maximum is between 150% and 188% of the monthly benefits of the employee in full retirement age. If the sum of your family benefits exceeds the upper limit, the employee will continue to receive a non-reduced check. But the dependent’s checks will reduce proportionately.

Family benefits, including benefits for children and spouses, are subject to proof of social security income and can be reduced or even terminated if the primary employee draws benefits earlier but continues to work. 

Request To Start over if You Claim Too Early:

Generally, once you start using your services, your decision is irreversible. However, you can start over if you make a mistake. If you change your mind within 12 months of the first claim, you can cancel your decision. However, you must return all the services already received.

This can sometimes be a good idea if you applied for benefits early. Suppose you make a claim when you are 62 because you lose your job and need extra income to survive. In this case, your monthly checks would decrease (sometimes significantly) if you ask your FRA but feel like you have no choice.

However, if you find a new job half a year later and prefer social security to suspend until the end of your FRA to receive this benefit increase, you can withdraw your decision as long as you withdraw your application within that period 12 months after the deposit. And you can pay the money you have already received.

If 12 months have passed or you cannot pay for what you have already received, there is another option: you can voluntarily suspend your benefits. When you arrive at your FRA, you can ask the social security authority to suspend your benefits until the age of 70. Once you’re 70 and receiving benefits. You get extra money every month to make up for the time you haven’t spent.

The advantage of suspending your benefits is that you receive larger checks and you don’t have to return the benefits you’ve already received. But the downside is that the performance increase won’t be as big as if it hadn’t started to make claims.

Social security benefits can help bridge the gap between the money you saved and the money you need to live comfortably in retirement. To maximize the amount you get, you need a strategy. By learning as much as possible about how your benefits determine and what type of benefits you use. You can get the most out of your monthly checks and stretch every dollar you retire.

Avoid Social Security Tax Traps:

Federal taxes may apply to 50% to 85% of your payment if your total income is the sum of your adjusted gross income. Nontaxable interest and half of your social security benefits are between $ 25,000 and $ 34,000 for individual returns and $ 32,000 to $ 44 for joint declarations. Tax on the rent will apply up to 50% of the refund.

For individual taxpayers with a combined income of more than $ 34,000 and for common taxpayers with an income of more than $ 44,000, you can expect income taxes of up to 85%. If you want to avoid this, try lowering your taxable income to reduce the amount of taxes. This can be achieved by monitoring your total adjusted gross income (AGI) and spreading your funds evenly over a number of years so that there are no sudden increases or decreases.

Maximize Your Earnings:

Not surprisingly, the higher your income, the higher your retirement benefits will be to some extent. Earnings above the annual limit ($ 127,200 in 2017 and inflation-indexed per year) take into account when calculating your benefits. If you are below the limit, look for ways to invest in your career and earn more. This will bring many positive benefits. One of them will be to increase the amount of social security you receive.

Rely on The Healthy Cost of Living Adjustment:

Finally, social security holders can just sit back and expect their annual growth in sub-Saharan Africa to help keep up with inflation. The inflation limit of social security since 1975 is the consumer price index for urban and administrative workers (VPI-W).

The average value of the CPI-W in the third quarter of the current year is compared with the average value of the VPI-W in the third quarter of the previous year, and if the value increases from year to year, the beneficiaries receive a “salary increase”. This increase in monthly payment calls for a cost of living adjustment or COLA. Except in 2010, 2011 and 2016, COLA has been positive every year since 1975.

While a healthy annual increase is fun and does not require recipient effort. It is also important to understand that the CPI-W has done a bad job of keeping up with the real inflation that senior citizens are facing. In the past 19 years, the purchasing power of social security funds for senior citizens has decreased by 33%. This makes trust in COLA a push for more years to be a less attractive strategy.

Bottom Line:

There are many online social security calculators that summarize the numbers and predict their future benefits. You can use them to see how different options can affect the level of your performance. Let us know in the comments section below if you have any queries or suggestions regarding the same.

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  1. Mike Jordan Reply

    Very informative blog. This is an extremely smartly written article.
    I will be sure to bookmark it and come back to learn extra of your helpful information.

  2. Joseph digosta Reply

    I read this whole article. And after getting this blog, I got some new information about Social Security. These are the best Ways To Increase Social Security Benefits. Thanks for sharing!

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